Bank of America Chicago 13.1

A guide to runner packet pickup for 2024 Bank of America Chicago 13.1

There will be two packet pick-up days in the city starting on Friday

As runners prepare for the annual Bank of America Chicago 13.1 this weekend, there's something they'll need to do before they can hit the course: they must pick up their packets.

There will be two packet pick-up days in the city starting on Friday.

Packets can be picked up from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Friday and 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday at 150 W. Roosevelt Rd.

 Runners should present their packet pick-up ticket to receive their packet.

For participants who cannot attend the scheduled pick-up hours, friends or family may pick up on their behalf by showing a copy of the runner’s packet pick-up ticket.

Questions about packet pick-up on race day can be sent to

The Chicago half marathon race steps off Sunday morning and will mean plenty of street closures and parking restrictions heading into the weekend.

Here's a look at the full schedule:


Friday, June 7
Packet Pick-up
Roosevelt Collection (150 W. Roosevelt)
10 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Saturday, June 8
Packet Pick-up
Roosevelt Collection (150 W. Roosevelt)
9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

West Side Wellness Walk and Youth Events
Garfield Park

8:00 a.m. – West Side Wellness Walk bib pick-up begins
8:00 a.m. – Community tents open
8:45 a.m. – Pre-walk warm-up activity
9:00 a.m. – West Side Wellness Walk starts
10:00 a.m. – Youth events begin
11:00 a.m. – Youth events end
11:00 a.m. – Community tents close

Sunday, June 9
Race day
Garfield Park

5:30 a.m. – Gear check opens
5:30 a.m. – Start corrals open
6:50 a.m. – Wheelchair start
6:50 a.m. – Start corrals close
7:00 a.m. – Race start
8:00 a.m. – Race Day Festival begins
11:00 a.m. – Drink ticket sales close
11:00 a.m. – Gear check closes
11:30 a.m. – Race Day Festival ends

Times subject to change

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