Putting Blago to the Test

Results revealed

"I had an 18 on my ACT score I'm told that's kind of in the middle, maybe just a little bit below," Gov. Rod Blagojevich (D-Impeached)once said. After an exhaustive review, NBCChicago.com can now report scores on other milestone tests that Blagojevich has earned thus far in his life.

- At age 5, doctor announces that Rod has scored 1.5 out of 10 on a test for tone-deafness. Doctor says there is no cure.

- At age 16, Rod scores "automatic fail" on his driver's license test for signaling a right-turn while taking a left turn. He passes anyway after placing $20 on the seat.

- At age 18, scores an 18 on the ACT. Thanks his brother for taking the test for him.

- At age 19, Rod scores an A-plus on his Poetry 101 final, but complains to professor that he'll never use this stuff in the real world and changes major to political science.

- At age 21, Rod's score on his Mensa application test lands him in the organization's "As If" file.

- At age 25, notches a round under par at Putt-Putt for the first time without cheating. Cheats the next time to prove it wasn't a fluke.

- At age 27, takes a test featured on a matchbook to get into art school. He is expelled because all he ever wanted to do was help working people.

- At age 31, he takes the Myer-Briggs personality test and breaks it.

- At age 35, he takes one of those tests to indicate which candidate for president he is most aligned with. He is matched with himself.

- At age 42, he tests his eyes and is found to be both nearsighted and farsighted, meaning he can't see either.

- At age 51, he takes the Kool-Aid Acid Test and tries to sell Barack Obama's vacant senate seat.

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