For Pete Wentz's Sake

Dishes to Playboy on Chicago Cops, Ashlee

As Playboy magazine notes in this month's interview with Wilmette native Pete Wentz, the face of emo kings Fall Out Boy, people tend to hate him with a passion or love him similarly. Though Wentz now lives in Beverly Hills, he maintains a high profile here, from his Clandestine Industries clothing operation to his Angels & Kings bar to his Fashion Week appearances with the mayor.

Among other noteworthy tidbits in the Playboy interview, Wentz recounts the time he was arrested by Chicago police in Wicker Park just a day before his first scheduled appearance at the Video Music Awards in September 2005.

"I hit a cop. I had come downtown to the Wicker Park area of Chicago, when I realized that the girl I was dating was cheating on me. I got into my car to leave her, and I smashed into two cars. It was like bumper cars. I wasn't in my right head; this was pure anger and frustration.

"Then I got out and started punching out car windows. That's when the police pulled up. I punched the side mirror off a car and an officer grabbed me. I made an attempt to punch him as well. It was pretty pathetic.

"He had me handcuffed and put me in the back of a car. By that point it had become a total Cops moment. The neighbors were outside, and the girl was crying. I had to call my manager from jail and say, "I don't think I'm going to the VMAs."

If you're looking for the mag on the newsstand (you can't read the interview online), it's the one promoting nude girls of the Big Ten on cover.


Also from the interview:

* "I'm probably the most outspoken rock musician of my generation."

Um . . . huh?


Additional details for those new to Wentz World:

* Pete maintains four blogs.

* Pete arranged his first date with wife Ashlee Simpson after he saw her and thought she was cute. He had his management company contact her management to get her e-mail addy.

* He liked her music even before meeting her, calling it "awesome." Hey, that's what he says.

* He lived at home 'til he was 27. That was two years ago.

* He used to date Lindsay Lohan.

* His full name is Peter Lewis Kingston Wentz III.


Voice of a generation:

PLAYBOY: Do you clip coupons?

WENTZ: I would, but I don't think I get a newspaper.

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