It's not the first time the Wiener's Circle has ripped President Donald Trump.
A tweet from the notorious North Side hot dog shop posted Monday takes on the latest outrage against the administration: seperating children from their parents as families illegally cross the border between Mexico and the United States.
“TINY HANDS, TINY WIENER, TINY HEART, FREE THE KIDS” the store’s Vienne Beef marquee reads.
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Photos released by the United States Customs and Border Protection agency show children using foil-like sheets as blankets as well as cage-like structures inside of a South Texas Border Patrol immigration processing center. The McAllen facility, known as Ursula, has separate wings for unaccompanied children, adults who are by themselves, and mothers and fathers who are accompanied by children.
In the middle of a planned speech Monday, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel pivoted from the script to make unexpected and passionate remarks against the family separations.
President Donald Trump sees his hard-line immigration stance--including the policy to separate children from their parents at the border--as a winning issue heading into a midterm election.
"You have to stand for something," Trump said Tuesday. The Associated Press reported that he defended his administration's immigration policy amid mounting criticism over the forced separation of children from their parents at the U.S.-Mexico border.
"It's amazing how people are surprised that he's keeping the promises he made on the campaign trail now," said Trump political adviser Bill Stepien.