The New Stroger?

Todd gets one right

Something really amazing just happened in Cook County politics: Todd Stroger got one right.

Well sort of.

First the county did something stupid like it alway does; in this case it was installing 1,300 apparently unnecessary road signs with secret location codes highway workers only, at a cost of $120,000.

Instead of minimizing the expense, rationalizing the program, or blaming the media or Forrest Claypool - the usual Todd Stroger routine - he's actually doing the right thing and canceling the contract.

Is this a new Todd Stroger, just in time for his re-election bid?

Could be, but let's not hurry to declare that he finally 'gets it."

"I don't think this is the time for that, and we will move to terminate the contract," Stroger said while taping a segment for WBBM 780-AM's At Issue which will air at 9:30 a.m. and 9:30 p.m. Sunday.

It's not just that this isn't the time to waste money on signs we don't need; it's never the time. So maybe Stroger is only halfway there. He's at least doing the right thing politically. If he gets re-elected and then puts the signs back up, we'll know the real answer.
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