Memorial Day

Suburban flag display honors fallen service members from Illinois

“Sons, daughters, fathers,  friends, battle buddies - they cannot be forgotten"

NBC Universal, Inc.

A moving display in one suburban community is making sure fallen service members from Illinois are not forgotten this holiday weekend.

Taking shape in an empty field at the intersection of Three Oaks and Georgetown Road in Cary, there are now more than 354 flags, each representing an Illinois service member who died in combat since 1991.

Named the "Field of the Fallen," every flag placed into the ground has a story attached to it, with a soldier’s name, age, rank and the day they died.

Matt Charlier has helped set up this installation for more than a decade.

“Sons, daughters, fathers, friends, battle buddies - they cannot be forgotten,” Charlier said. “Every one of these service members would want you to have a happy Memorial Day – but please take the time to remember what the holiday is really about.”

Barb Bloomfield is with Veterans Network Committee of Northern Illinois

“Every hour on the hour we will be reading a group of names,” Barb Bloomfield of the Veterans Network Committee of Northern Illinois said. This field will be manned 24-hours a day until Monday, until every name is read.

The public can walk through the field of the fallen for free starting Friday night, with a closing ceremony scheduled for Monday at 5 p.m.

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