Fliers From White Supremacist Group Posted on Suburban Street

The fliers read “America – Revolution is Tradition” and “Keep America American"

A suburban community was left stunned after residents reported seeing numerous fliers posted by a white supremacist group on one of their streets.

The fliers were spotted on Lake Street in Oak Park, reading “America – Revolution is Tradition” and “Keep America American.”

One of them urged residents to report “illegal aliens,” calling them “criminals.”

“I can’t believe that anybody gets away with this,” said resident Mike Gorham.

The fliers resemble ones left on doorsteps in Mundelein in March.

“We come from immigrant backgrounds and our parents fought hard for us to get us to a community like Oak Park,” said resident Kofi Darkwa.

Police said the fliers are illegal, noting that they’re on village property. Authorities warned that anyone caught posting them would be issued a citation.

Oak Park isn’t a stranger to similar hate stunts, however.

Supporters of a different hate group put up a banner over the Eisenhower in February that read “Danger, Sanctuary City Ahead.”

Residents have already started fighting back against the latest incident.

Signs posted to a light pole outside a library in the suburb read “Always stand up to nazi trash.”

“Hate has no home here,” the sign read.

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