Parades and ceremonies will not be allowed in Illinois this year amid the coronavirus pandemic, but Chicago and many of the surrounding suburbs are not letting the state-wide stay-at-home-order stop them from holding events to honor the fallen.
NBC 5 has compiled a list of virtual ceremonies taking place on Monday:
Veterans Affairs National Cemetery Ceremony, Facebook and Twitter, On-Going
East Lakeview’s WOOGMS Memorial Day Parade, YouTube and Facebook, 11 a.m.
Arlington Heights Memorial Day Ceremony, Village Cable Access Channel & Channel 17 (Comcast), 9:30 a.m.
Elmhurst Memorial Day Convoy, Elmhurst, 10 a.m.
Village of Glencoe Memorial Day Ceremony, Zoom Meeting, 11 a.m.
Glendale Heights Memorial Day Ceremony, Village Cable Access Channel and Social Media Accounts, All Day
Libertyville Memorial Day Ceremony, Facebook Live, 10 a.m.
Orland Park Memorial Day Ceremony, Village Cable Access Channel and Social Media Accounts, 11 a.m.
2020 Remember the Fallen Virtual 21k Run/Walk, Chicago and Various Suburbs, All Day
American Legion Post 488 Memorial Day Presentation - Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address, Zoom Meeting, 3:00 p.m.
Evanston Art Connects Memorial Day Weekend Staycation, Downtown Evanston, All Day