‘Something Doesn't Seem Right': Ald. Brookins Begins Circulating Petitions in Rush's District

Ald. Howard Brookins has decided at the last minute to circulate petitions for the March primary to run for Congress in Illinois' 1st District, he told NBC 5 Friday. 

That's the seat held by longtime Congressman Bobby Rush.

While those close to Rush say he plans to file his petitions on the last day -- Monday -- Brookins told NBC 5 he began circulating petitions because "something doesn't seem right."

Rush is the only Illinois Congressman who has not yet filed his petitions for re-election, but this isn’t the first time that he’s put off filing.

In his re-election bid for the 2016 race, he waited until the very last day to file his petitions. If he chooses to do that again this year, Monday would be the last day that he can turn them in to be eligible for the March ballot.

Despite the delay in filing, those close to the congressman, including community activist Hal Baskin, say that "he's in.” Even Rush’s Congressional colleagues have asked him if he is retiring and he has told them no.

Rush's son Flynn Rush has not filed yet either, but he is circulating petitions for the first time to replace State Rep Barbara Flynn Currie, as she will not be seeking re-election. Some skeptics have insinuated that there could be a switch in plans for Rush, but those whispers remain rumors as the deadline date approaches.  

If Rush does wait until Monday to file, it would mark a milestone in the congressman’s life. It’s the anniversary of the police raid when Fred Hampton, leader of the Black Panthers, was killed in 1969. Rush was also a member of the Black Panthers.

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