What WILL She Wear?

Michelle Obama is about to make the fashion statement of the century.

Being president is a hard job. (Duh.)

But, on inauguration day, Michelle Obama may just have the harder job. While her hubby spends 10 minutes putting on a tuxedo, the soon-to-be First Lady will prepare to make THE fashion statement of our time. (No pressure!)

Of course, many factors come into play. She can't go too extravagant while the economy tanks. But, J. Crew isn't exactly an option either. Then, there is the question of "who". Will she wear an established designer or an up-and-coming newbie?

The fashion world has been buzzing with predictions. Entire blogs are dedicated to obssessing about what she'll wear.

Take Mrs-O.org, for example -- it's an entire site devoted to Michelle Obama's fashion and style. And, quite honestly, there's hardly a negative remark on it. So far, "Mrs. O" has been hitting it out of the park. People may have admired and emulated other first ladies, but today's media-hungry fashionistas take the commentary to a whole new level.

So, now it's your turn to sound off. What do you think the future First Lady should wear? Leave a comment with your thoughts, and we'll see who got it right in just 24 hours.

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