Swearing In Burris

What we saw

The Roland Burris Show may have closed its national run today.

With his swearing-in to the United States Senate likely to shift media attention elsewhere, it's just getting going here in Illinois, where we have to live with this guy and his representation for at least two more years. Worse, the re-election campaign starts today.

Thoughts and observations on today's event:

- Burris is being escorted down a Senate hallway. Trying to read the lips of the man at Burris's side, I'm pretty sure I see him say, "And this is the cloak room. That's where you leave your principles. Oh, I forgot, you already left yours back in Illinois."

- I'm not entirely sure, but I think Burris asked that he be sworn in on the same Bible that Rod Blagojevich used when he was sworn-in as governor.

- If Dick Cheney swears in Burris, doesn't that make the swearing-in tainted?

- Abe Lincoln is speaking to me right now. "I'm not happy about this, Steve," he says.

- Cheney proclaims: "Y'all are now the senator."

- Burris files first bill calling for the Land of Lincoln to be renamed the Land of Burris.

- Burris is handed his tickets to the inauguration. He will keep half for himself and bury the rest in his mausoleum.

- Dick Durbin to host a reception for Burris tonight. Durbin was initially against holding a reception, then said he would hold a reception only if the proper paperwork was presented, then decided he would not only hold a reception but he would carpet his sidewalk with his own suit jackets so his good friend Roland didn't have to risk getting his shoes wet.

- Roland Burris – crappy states attorney general, maker of ridiculous false charges, holder of a monumentally undeserved ego, accomplice to attempted murder, and enabler to an impeached governor on the way to prison - is now a United States senator.

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