Suburban Boy, a Quadruple-Amputee, Walks in New York Fashion Week

A St Charles boy is inspiring the world and rocking the catwalk

NBC Universal, Inc.

Ethan Sappington just returned home from walking the catwalk in the iconic New York Fashion Week, and his story is perhaps more inspiring than anyone else's on the runway.

Sappington, a quadruple amputee, participated in Limb Kind Disability's “Show Your Shine" Fashion Show late last month.

It was Ethan’s first show, and he did it all by himself thanks to the help of his resolve, and to his prosthetic legs.

"It was a huge opportunity for us to see him come out of his shell and do something like walking a runway against crowds of people in New York! Because it’s difficult for him. But he did it and he did it independently and on his own," his mother Theresa said.

The fourth grader is supported by everyone at Lily Lake Grade School, where they call him their local hero.

"He's shown us all how to persevere. And he's also taught us all about acceptance. He's a funny guy and we actually call him the mayor of Lily Lake," principal Rebecca Jurs said.

Theresa says she was blown away not just by the support her son received, but also at how incredible the entire experience was.

"He was not in a wheelchair. He was using his prosthesis on his lower legs, which was huge for us," she said. "It was an incredible experience."

Ethan's participation was part of a fundraiser for the Limb Kind Foundation, a nonprofit raising funds to provide prostheses to those living in countries across the world.

"It was an incredible experience to do this in NY and be part of this community. And watch our son walk the runway amongst 27 other superheroes, as I like to call them," she said.

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