
$1 Million Mega Millions Ticket Sold in Illinois

Illinois Lottery results for Friday's Mega Millions drawing shows a $1 million ticket sold in Illinois

Check your tickets, Illinois Lottery players: One of you is now $1 million richer.

According to Illinois Lottery's Mega Millions website, a $1 million Mega Millions ticket was sold in Illinois as part of Friday's Mega Millions drawing. The winner, the site says, matched all five numbers -- 23, 27, 41, 48 51 -- to win the payout.

The ticket was purchased at a Circle K in Elgin, located at 460 S. McLean Blvd.

Friday's win comes just two days after a $1 million winning Mega Millions ticket for Wednesday's drawing was sold at a gas station in suburban Oak Forest.

While some Mega Millions players in the state last week did come out on top, no one in Illinois won the game's jackpot of $476 million, the site says. According to the Illinois Lottery, a Mega Millions jackpot winner must match all five numbers as well as a Megaplier number.

For Friday's game, that number was 22.

The jackpot was won Friday evening in New York, however.

According to the Mega Millions results site, 16 players in Illinois matched four out of five numbers in Friday's drawing to win $500. More than 20,000 other players in Illinois matched at least one number to win a cash prize, with payouts ranging from $2 to $200.

There are at least nine ways to win a cash prize paying Mega Millions, the Illinois Lottery's results page says, as players must match at least the Megaplier to win a payout.

The next Mega Millions drawing, with a $20 million jackpot up for grabs, is scheduled for April 18 at 9:45 p.m.

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