In 2022 interview, an expert warned the spotted lanternfly would spread rapidly once in Illinois. Now, it is here

Spotted Lanternfly
Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture

The detection and identification of the invasive spotted lanternfly in Illinois was unwelcome news to many, as the species could have a detrimental impact on several agricultural industries in the U.S.

Originally detected in America in 2014 in Pennsylvania, the spotted lanternfly has since spread to several Midwestern and Northeastern states, with the first official detection in Illinois occurring earlier this month.

While agriculture officials are working to contain the presence of the invasive species, an interview with an expert in 2022 describes the difficult process ahead.

Dr. Doug Taron, the chief curator of the Chicago Academy of Sciences at the Petty Notebaert Nature Museum, said in August 2022 that the spotted lanternfly would be "all over the place" once being detected in Illinois.

Taron added that the spotted lanternfly, native to eastern Asia, is well-adapted to urban environments and show a particular affinity for fruit trees. With several generations per year, the species is active for much of the summer.

In accordance with advice from other officials, Taron advised those who come into contact with the fly to report it to agriculture officials and to squish it.

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