Coming Soon on YourMayorTube

Stupid cat tricks, Bon Jovi covers

So Mayor Daley now has his own YouTube channel.

Here's what we're expecting to see on it soon:

- A nightly news report from the mayor, standing in front of a green screen in his office. The news will always be good. The weather will always be sunny. The CTA will always be on time. The White Sox will always win. And the mayor will always be the greatest mayor ever.

- Raw video of the mayor berating his staff and then turning to the camera and laughing maniacally.

- The mayor doing acoustic Bon Jovi covers.

- A dramatic reading of the Robert Sorich indictment.

- The mayor complaining about how bad Jody Weis sucks.

- A 117-part Webisode called "Dear International Olympic Committee."

- Video of the mayor calling up restaurants that fail inspections and asking if their refrigerators are running.

- Hundreds of "anonymous" comments about how great the mayor is, each posted by Daley patronage workers.

- Great Daley speeches with Obama's voice dubbed in.

- The mayor's private collection of great Chicago police brutality videos.

- Rich & Ron Do Chicago. Daley and Huberman videotape themselves perpetrating hijinks like re-enacting the bulldozing of Meigs Field and cruising through Ravenswood bashing mailboxes, all to the background music of Kanye West.

Steve Rhodes is the proprietor of The Beachwood Reporter, which has a YouTube page of its own.

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