With just about everything in the Chicago area either closing or already closed, parents are having to juggle the necessary importance of social distancing with the seemingly endless energy of their cooped-up children.
Luckily Brookfield Zoo is helping out in the best way it can: Since parents aren’t able to bring their kids to the zoo, the zoo is bringing its animals to homes all across the Chicago area. Through the organization’s Facebook page, the zoo has started daily live streams called #BringTheZooToYou.
The goal of Bring The Zoo To You is to find new ways to provide the same entertaining and educational content that going to the Zoo would provide, but from your living room couch.
The first episode aired on March 18 and featured "Sandy" the binturong, which is a type of bearcat native to South and Southeast Asia. Sandy’s handler, Maggie, spent almost eight minutes talking about the binturong and taking questions from the comment sections.
According to the zoo's Facebook page, it plans to do a new one of these #BringTheZooToYou sessions each weekday at 11 a.m. Thursday’s session was focused on “Casper the leucistic ball python.”
Contributing article from our colleagues at NBC Sports Chicago.