food and drink

3 Chicago spots named on list ranking Top 50 hot cocoa shops in US and Canada


With cold weather here to stay for quite some time in the Chicago area, many area residents are looking for ways to warm up when they head out to start their day.

While coffee and tea are the preferred warm beverages of many, hot cocoa is widely popular during the winter and goes hand-in-hand with celebrating the holidays.

As the search for the best hot cocoa picks up for many, a blog on Yelp ranked the 50 best hot cocoa spots in the United States and Canada.

Luckily for those in the Chicago area, three spots in Chicago made the list, with one spot even cracking the top 10.

While shops located in coastal cities dominated much of the list, one other Midwestern city was represented, with Maverick Chocolate Co. in Cincinnati coming in at No. 45 on the list.

As for Chicago's representation, Katherine Anne Confections in Logan Square led the way with a No. 8 ranking, earning high ratings for usage of local ingredients and small-batch baked goods.

Pilsen's Chocolat Uzma was ranked at No. 29, while Wildberry Pancakes & Café, with two downtown locations and two suburban locations, came in at No. 33.

The nation's top honors on the ranking went to XOX Truffles in San Francisco, whose unique variety of flavor selections for hot chocolate was noted in the entry's write-up on the list.

A look at the full list, along with Yelp's methodology behind the list's creation, can be found here.

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