More Than 500 New Coronavirus Cases Reported in Indiana

NBCUniversal, Inc.

Indiana health officials are reporting more than 500 new cases of coronavirus Saturday, bringing the state’s total number of cases to nearly 31,000 since the pandemic began.

According to the State Department of Health, 513 new cases of the virus were confirmed over the last 24 hours. In all, 30,901 cases have been laboratory confirmed statewide during the pandemic.

Records also show an additional 21 deaths linked to the virus over the last 24 hours. A total of 1,812 deaths have been reported overall, state officials said.

Indiana officials also announced another increase in the number of test results returned, as 6,423 new coronavirus test results were returned in the last day. The statewide total now stands at 214,933 total tests performed, with a 14.4 percent positivity rate.

All counties statewide have now reported at least five coronavirus cases, with Marion County reporting more than 9,000 total cases during the pandemic. Lake County has reported 3,191 cases, along with 167 deaths.

The news comes as Indiana continues its phased reopening plans. Gov. Eric Holcomb announced that most of the state had moved into Phase Three of the reopening plan, with groups of 100 or fewer people now allowed to meet and retailers allowed to operate at 75 percent capacity. Campgrounds and community pools were also allowed to open under the rule change.  

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