School Celebrates After 5 Students Ace the ACT

A group of students at a local high school is celebrating after they achieved a remarkable feat.

The incredible quintet of students from Whitney Young High School notched a perfect score on their ACT tests this year. The students, who are all friends, met at the school when they were 7th and 8th graders, and they took the test on the same day last month.

“It was really cool that we were all able to pull off a perfect score,” Whitney Young junior Jack Fetsch said.

School officials say that there is usually at least one student that scores perfectly on the test, but this is the first time in school history that five students have achieved the amazing feat.

The students all had their own methods of preparing for the test, but they all had the same tip for those preparing to take it: practice, practice, practice.

“(Practice) was the most important factor for me because it makes the ACT just another test rather than a big life event that makes you super stressed,” student Dorothy Tarasul said.

Less than one percent of students nationwide get perfect scores on the test, but despite all the hoopla, they all are keeping an even-keel about what it means for them in the future.

“The only thing it means to me is that it’s an advantage in the college process,” one student said. “I don’t think it changes my plans for the future.”

Other students took a more relieved approach to the perfect score.

“It’s not like bragging rights. It’s more like (relief) I don’t have to take it again,” Sophie Ljung said. 

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