
‘Queen of Hearts' Winner Picked, Now Locals Anticipate Better Raffle Ahead

Locals say they anticipate the 2019 jackpot could potentially reach the $10 million cap

The long-running ‘Queen of Hearts’ raffle at McHenry VFW finally declared a winner Tuesday night—and she prefers to remain anonymous.

Merely known as “Lori S,” the lucky winner was not present during the long-awaited drawing, which has been carrying over for more than a year. Instead, she sent a friend to drop off her ticket.

It is unclear whether that friend will get a cut of the $7 million pot is just shy of $3 million.

About $1.4 million of the pot will be used for building improvements—a beer garden, a sprinkler system, kitchen and parking upgrades while another portion will go toward veterans programs.

With more than $2 million in tickets sold in just the last week, the new jackpot is already topping $3.4 million dollars.

Locals say they anticipate the 2019 jackpot could potentially reach the $10 million cap.

The first drawing is tentatively scheduled for January 8, 2019.

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