Hoffman Estates

Postal worker and suburban chihuahua enjoy special bond dating back to 2021

“I love animals and she must have caught on on from the very first time I met her.”

NBC Universal, Inc.

It’s been said that mail carriers and dogs don’t mix, but one relationship in Hoffman Estates is debunking that myth.

Six days a week, long-haired chihuahua Frannie can be found waiting by the front door of her home.

When a mail vehicle pulls up, Frannie takes off, running right into the arms of Dan Larson, affectionately known as "Dan the Postman."

Their relationship began in 2021, when Lisa Laskey first brought Frannie home.

“I walked up to [the] mail truck and said 'you want to meet newest member of my family?' and he is like 'sure, why not?' so I handed Frannie to him and she just started pawing at his face and kissing his face like she’d known him forever,” Laskey said.

“I love animals and she must have caught on on from the very first time I met her,” Larsen said.

Lisa started recording the interactions and putting them on social media, where they’ve received millions of views.

“A lot of the followers say they must have known each other in another life,” she said.

Their relationship is not about the treats, as Laskey rarely allows them. Instead, it's all about love

“The very moment he put his hands on her and just brought her up to him, she went crazy. It was adorable, they really have a special bond,” Laskey said.

Laskey said Dan the Postman is the only person Frannie runs out of the house to greet, which she has done 437 times so far.

“He switched from an old truck to a new van, and she does not hear it like the old truck,  but she still knows he is coming,” she said.

There’s also a children’s book about their special bond and the joy they are bringing to others.

“It is nice to put a little something nice in the world,” she said.

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