The names of those who want to replace Dick Mell is out.
Twelve Chicagoans want the job. Of course, State Rep. Deb Mell is the list. But the one name not on the list is Jaime Andrade, who had been Dick Mell's assistant.
Already there's a theory working that Andrade will be the one to replace Deb Mell in the General Assembly. Since Andrade is a Latino, and the 33rd Ward is now 51 percent Latino, that may appease those who want the new alderman to be Latino.
Alonzo Rivas, with the Mexican American Legal and Educational Fund wants a meeting with Mayor Rahm Emanuel before the new alderman is chosen.
Rivas says "It is a majority Latino ward, then we believe it is the best interest of the Latino community to pick a Latino candidate."
The mayor has a 'blue ribbon' community vetting those who've applied, but it is his choice to pick Mell's successor. He plans to choose from among these applicants
The list includes:
Robert F. Elrick
Elizabeth Lynn Gomez
Gretchen Carol Helmreich
Jonathan Andrew Markel
Deborah Lynn Mell
Maellen Elizabeth Pittman-Fernandez
Grace Troccolo Rink
Edmund Joseph Sieracki
Matthew Boyd Terry
Andrew Amador Tinajero
Annisa Michele Wanat
Sergiusz Piotr Zgrzebski