For those unhappy with the forward-facing seating configuration on new CTA train cars, change is on the way.
The transit agency announced Friday the development of a new passenger-friendly seating plan on rail cars that will be introduced as early as 2016.
The new 7000 series cars, similar to the design featured on current Orange and Brown line trains, will combine both forward and aisle-facing seats to maximize space and increase the comfort of passenger flow traffic.
“After careful study, the CTA believes the proposed seating design will provide customers with an optimal car that is comfortable, smooth and reliable for passengers, while maximizing passenger flow and capacity,” CTA President Forrest Claypool said.
The 846 new cars will cost approximately $2 billion.
The upcoming model will replace the current cars on the Pink, Red and Green lines, some that have been in use for the past 30 years. The new cars are said to reduce delays, mechanical dysfunctions and save on operating costs.
Passengers in wheelchairs will have two locations per car, and the cars could include offset poles and straps for standing passengers on both sides of the aisle.
Each car will have 38 seats compared to the current 38-46 per car.