The last of the Cook County Forest Preserve District's toboggan sleds will be put up for sale Thursday morning.
Seventy completely refurbished six-foot sleds will be available on eBay beginning at 10 a.m.
At $20 apiece, or $10 for registered non-profit organizations, the toboggans will provide a little boost in funding for the district and allow residents to own a small piece of local history.
The Forest Preserve's toboggan slides in Palos Park were built in 1930 but were closed after the 2004 season because they were too expensive to maintain and presented a safety risk. The district still maintains several areas for sledding and coasting.
"We are happy to offer these toboggans to the public so that they may enjoy them for years to come," said District General Supt. Dr. Steven M. Bylina, Jr.
More than 150 sleds sold out in a single day in a similar sale last January. Comparable new sleds typically sell for $100 or more and used sleds on Ebay often list for upwards of $50.
To purchase a sled, head over to the district’s Web site -- -- Thursday at 10 A.M. and click the link to be connected with the Ebay purchase page. Purchasers will be required to set up a time for pick-up. The district will not deliver or ship any toboggans.