An Illinois legislator wants the state to set aside reserved parking spots for expectant mothers and parents with a newborn child at the Capitol Complex.
Rep. Katie Stuart, an Edwardsville Democrat, said a pregnant lobbyist raised concerns about the issue during the last legislative session, The State Journal-Register reported.
Secretary of State Jesse White’s office arranges state parking and maintains the Capitol Complex; maternity parking spaces would be accommodated through its office.
“I spoke to the Secretary of State’s office prior to filing it to make sure we could be in agreement to how it would work,” Stuart said. “I have not reached out to the governor’s office yet. I think given his support for maternal health care and other things makes me believe he’s going to be in favor of this.”
Dave Druker, a spokesman for White, called the concept a “very good idea.” He said it would be in line with White's philosophy of giving pregnant women precedence, such as giving them priority service at the Department of Motor Vehicles. However, he did note that parking around the Statehouse is already at a premium.
Stuart said she would would like to see a maternal parking spot for all buildings within the Capitol Complex, but admitted it's not likely.
The Office of the Architect of the Capitol would assess where the most appropriate spaces would be, given the design of the Capitol Complex, she said.
Stuart previously pushed a bill that brought lactation rooms to the Statehouse, Stratton Building and Howlett Building, and another bill that requires employers to allow nursing mothers a reasonable paid break time to pump milk.