A writer for Bon Appetit magazine ate 14 different Chicago hot dogs in one day to determine his favorite.
"The objective was to find the best Chicago-style dog in the city," Alex Delany wrote. "It was a noble pursuit. It was for science. My body was not ready."
Though he admitted to feeling dehydrated and generally sweaty following the project, Delany picked his three top dogs and a runner-up.
He prefaced the decision disclosing he isn't from Chicago but says he's "someone who writes and eats for a living." Then he revealed Superdawg made the best dog he ate all day.
"The dog itself was perfectly cooked, with a snappy natural casing," Delany wrote. "The toppings were all there, in perfect zen-like harmony."
He praised everything from the pickled tomato and crispy pickle to the "pillowy soft" bun and precise application of mustard.
"It was a hot dog that made me truly happy, and at the end of that day, that’s what a hot dog should do."
Which are his next favorite? Red Hot Ranch placed second, followed by Fatso's Last Stand.
The honorable mentioned went to Kimski in Bridgeport, noting it was "insanely good" even though the tasty polish sausage he tried wasn't actually a hot dog.