COLORADO CUISINE: Join chef Jennifer Jasinski of Denver's Rioja and Bistro Vendome for a cooking demo at Bloomingdale's Home Store at 600 N. Wabash Ave. this evening. Chef Jasinski, who is in town to promote Colorado tourism, will be cooking up seared Colorado lamb loin with Osage Farms arugula-olive salad and handmade Haystack Farms goat cheese ravioli. 5:30-7:30PM, free.
MELLOW DRAMA: See "Fronteras del Amor (Borders of Love)" a live comic telenovela by the Latino Theatre for a New America. You'll be treated to the colorful characters of a local taqueria, including former beauty queens, an undocumented immigrant and street kids, all based on theater ensemble members' interviews with residents in the Pilsen and Little Village neighborhoods. At the National Museum of Mexican Art, 6PM, free.
SEE THE WORLD: The Field Museum's "National Geographic Live!" series continues tonight with "Secrets of Shangri-La," an interactive presentation by renowned mountaineer and filmmaker Peter Athans. 7:30PM, $18-$30.