We're of the mindset that if you find a timeless, high-quality article of clothing that fits perfectly and is priced right, there's nothing wrong with buying two. Or maybe we're just trying to justify the two vintage-looking Led Zeppelin t-shirts folded neatly in the closet right now. After all, even in a crappy economy, that's a guilt-free purchase you don't have to feel bad about making when they're only $10 apiece at Target.
That being said, we have to give a "Whole Lotta Love" to TenBills.com's Spring Cleaning sale.
The clothing Web site is clearing out all of its old tees to make room for this season's crop, so their loss is your gain. Several of their older-model shirts are going for measly 5 bucks -- and with a flat rate of $5 shipping, you can definitely load up.
Of course the style of the tees -- is "robotic-artsy" a word? -- may not be to your liking, but don't forget about that nephew, little brother or rock musician in your life, and upcoming birthdays, Christmases, etc.
Keep in mind, the newer tees scheduled to come out in a month or so are supposed to be made with a slightly better material that doesn't shrink as much. But if you're paying $5 for a unique t-shirt and only wear it twice, that's still better than dropping 5 bills for a beer and a tip at your local bar, isn't it?
Big ups to @cst_thefixer for the tip.