Cold Temps Suck for Baseball

Any way to ignore this ugly baseball weather?

Sunday night, it was about 45 degrees, rainy, cold, and wet. It was the absolute antithesis of the sort of weather baseball season is known for: Clear spring days, 75 degrees, the sun maybe just a little too hot on you in the bleachers, but not so hot you can't remedy it with a cold beer. That's what baseball season is all about.

Tonight is supposed to be even worse than Sunday. The Cubs play at 7:05 p.m.; it's supposed to snow and sleet all morning before changing to rain at 1 p.m., and then it's supposed to rain all night. Gross. Who wants to experience baseball like that? Certainly not the fans, who have to take their lumps on freezing metal benches, as if the game was Bears-Packers. And certainly not the players, who are used to playing their sport on dry, warm surfaces, and who risk injury when things get slippery and unsafe.

We know we're a wuss. But we can't imagine why the Cubs wouldn't postpone tonight's game.

Unfortunately, the more you noodle this, the more you realize there's really no way to change baseball so as to accommodate the bad weather. Baseball teams will never agree to shorten the season. Doubleheaders are loathed almost as much as this weather (by the organization, anyway). Really, the only thing we can think of is putting a dome on top of Wrigley Field, and there's about as much chance of that happening as it being 75 and sunny in late April, apparently.

So there's really nothing we can do. Shame. Our whining usually works so well!

Eamonn Brennan is a Chicago-based writer, editor and blogger. You can also read him at Yahoo! Sports, Mouthpiece Sports Blog, and Inside The Hall, or at his personal site, Follow him on Twitter.

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