1 percent: The wealthiest Americans. A pejorative popularized by the Occupy Wall Street movement.
6-8 percent: Republican vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan’s body fat.
8.1 percent: The U.S. unemployment rate in August. Mitt Romney has accused President Obama of breaking a pledge to keep the unemployment rate below 8 percent. No president has ever been re-elected with more than 8 percent unemployment.
9-9-9: The name for Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain’s plan to replace all current taxes with a 9 percent business transaction tax, 9 percent personal income tax, and a 9 percent federal sales tax.
11.06 percent: The percentage of income the average taxpaying household pays to the Internal Revenue Service.
13.9 percent: The percentage of Mitt Romney's $21,661,344 income he paid in federal income taxes in 2011.
16 percent: Congress’s approval rating.
25 percent: Proportion of Americans who believe President Obama was born outside the United States, according to a CBS News/New York Times poll.
45 percent: Proportion of Republicans who believe Obama was born outside the U.S.
46.4 percent: Proportion of American households that paid no federal income tax in 2011.
47 percent: The proportion of Americans Mitt Romney says don’t pay income taxes, are dependent on the federal government and will, therefore, vote to re-elect President Obama: “There are 47 percent who…are dependent on government, who believe that, that they are victims, who believe that government has the responsibility to care for them. Who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing.”
52 percent: President Obama’s approval rating in the most recent Associated Press poll.
53 percent: The taxpaying, jobholding, responsible Americans whose votes Mitt Romney is pursuing. Republicans have taken to calling themselves the “53 percent.”
70 percent: Proportion of Americans who believe a photo ID should be required for voting. Republicans favor voter ID laws, while Democrats oppose them, saying they’re most likely to disqualify the poor and members of ethnic minorities.
99 percent: The non-elite Americans, according to Occupy Wall Street, whose supporters often wear buttons declaring “We Are The 99 Percent.”