Gay rights protesters were on hand for the Museum of Broadcast Communications induction last night into the National Radio Hall of Fame. But it was not to celebrate.
The group was angry that Dr. James Dobson was honored for his radio program, Focus on the Family. Dobson supported Proposition 8 in California, which defines marriage as between a man and woman.
"James Dobson is a bigot," Andy Thayer of the Gay Liberation Network told ABC. "If you advocate the taking away of rights for a whole group of people, you may be a Christian, you may be any number of other things, but one thing you certainly are is you are a hater."
MBC Chairman Bruce Dumont wrote in the Sun-Times that a nominee's political or religious views aren't taken into consideration by the hall of fame.
Dobson is an evangelical Christian whose conservative views on theology and politics have caused significant controversy in the past. He has stated that, while women are not inferior to men, they do have a biblically-mandated gender role. He supports student-led prayer in public schools and advocates spanking children up to eight years old.
Dobson is perhaps best known though for his anti-homosexual remarks and for his claims that homosexuality can be "overcome." In 2004, Dobson told The Daily Oklahoman, "Homosexuals are not monogamous. They want to destroy the institution of marriage. It will destroy marriage. It will destroy the Earth."
GLBT-rights groups like Truth Wins Out and Gay Liberation Network have spoken out against Dobson's induction and have even set up a website ( Bruce DuMont, the NRHoF chairman, released a statement in response: "A broadcaster's political, social or religious views never are considered when deciding to include or exclude a candidate. Likewise, the National Radio Hall of Fame does not endorse or support the views voiced by any nominee or inductee on the air or via any other platform."
Jason Heidemann of the TOC Blog counters: "If Dobson were picking on another minority—let's say he were accusing Jews or Blacks of destroying the earth—would the Radio Hall of Fame still induct him? Is there no standard for an inductee aside from the number of public votes cast?"