NBC Chicago and Ward Room bring you profiles on all 50 wards this election season. As candidates face off in the Feb. 24 election, they are also facing a new ward map, which takes effect when the winners assume office.
In this profile, learn all about the 9th ward, which covers parts of Pullman, Roseland, Burnside, Altgeld Gardens and West Pullman.
- Total Population: 51,519
- White: 1.46 percent
- Black: 93.32 percent
- Hispanic: 4.22 percent
- Asian: 0.07 percent (Source: WBEZ)
Current Alderman: Anthony Beale
Ward Committeemen: Anthony Beale (democratic committeeman) and Wayland Johnson, Jr. (republican committeeman)
Who Else is Running: Curtiss Llong Bey (removed), Marcia Brown-Williams (removed), Michael LaFargue, Agin Muhammad (removed), Harold Ward and Ted Williams
Adjectives that Describe the Ward: Historic, working class, up and coming and violent
Chicago Politics
Predominant Economic Engine: Clothing stores and fast food restaurants. There used to be many more small local businesses in this ward, but most of them have been shuttered. The area received an economic boost with the construction of a Walmart in Pullman Park, which is a mixed-use development. Pullman is also vying for national park status, which would bring in more tourists, thereby helping the local economy grow more.
Where People Eat: Fat food restaurants, chicken and fish restaurants, Jim's Original, Church's Chicken, Bon Ton Family Dining, Schultz Wings and Hoage, Taurus Flavors, Roseland Pizza and Tacos
Where People Drink: Cal-Harbor Retsaurant and Lounge and Argus Brewery
Where People Pray: Greenstone Church, New Life Cathedral and Salem Baptist Church
How the Ward Typically Votes: Anthony Beale was first elected in 1999. In 2007, he won 58 percent of the vote, defeating Earick Rayburn (21 percent), Deb Levi (17 percent) and Harold Ward (4 percent). In 2011, Beale won 58 percent of the vote, defeating Harold Ward (18 percent), Sandra Walters (16 percent) and Eddie Reed (7 percent).
Landmarks: Greenstone Church, Hotel Florence and the clock tower in Pullman
Resident's Voice: Dee Smith, a Pullman resident and volunteer at the Pullman State Historic Site, said she would like to see renovations and improvements to the two Metra stations at 111th and 115th. She would also like to see a redevelopment of the commercial businesses on Michigan Avenue in Roseland as well as increased police presence throughout the ward. "There's already some police, but it's always good to have more," Smith said.
Ward Expert: Tom McMahon, president of the Pullman Civic Organization