Chicago High School Students Stage Walkout Citing Safety Concerns

Students at Taft High School in Chicago's Norwood Park neighborhood staged a walkout Thursday morning because of safety concerns.

Holding signs and chanting, “Our lives are important! Our lives are important!” nearly 100 students walked out of their classes at the high school.

“Everyone is starting to do a walkout, because we are really concerned about the safety of our school. There have been a lot of threats," said student Sofia Nuñez. 

A possible threat was made to the school as recently as Monday, according to police, and while that incident turned out to be unsubstantiated, students and even some parents said the frequency of such things is alarming. 

"I am here because I am very scared of what is happening in this school," said parent Luz Nuñez. 

"The principal really hasn’t been doing anything about it, and we are just like really fed up about it," said her daughter Sofia. 

A Chicago Public Schools statement in response to NBC 5's request for comment stated in part, "CPS takes the safety and security of our students and staff seriously and we are committed to working with students, as well as their families, educators, and school leaders, to ensure a safe and secure learning environment."

"I hope what is happening today works for our kids," said Luz.

Sofia told NBC 5 that if their concerns aren't addressed, they might walk out again. 

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