In a tape from December 4, 2008, Rod Blagojevich warms to the idea of appointing Jesse Jackson, Jr to the Obama Senate seat.
"Jesse Jackson, UBER African-American!" Blagojevich declares, noting that the appointment might help to stave off a possible gubernatorial challenge from State Sen. James Meeks.
"He's come to me through third parties with offers of campaign contributions and help," Blagojevich says. "$1.5 million!"
Blagojevich flies into a rage when Harris mentions the possibility of appointing former press secretary Cheryl Jackson. "Cheryl Jackson, no f---ing way!" he says. "She's so f---ing incompetent and a f---ing liar!"
Jackson left the Blagojevich administration to head up the Chicago Urban League.
Harris said Jackson once bounced a check to the Blagojevich campaign.
Just before the prosecution finished questioning Harris, he testified about a meeting between Blagojevich and Jesse Jackson, Jr.
Harris said Jackson gave Blagojevich a 3 ring binder highlighting his legislative record and asking for the appointment. He said after Blagojevich read the last tab of the binder he looked up and said, "Well I'm glad somebody's thinkimg about me and how they can help me!"
There was no explanation.