
Kevin Costner doesn't regret mortgaging California estate to fund $100 million ‘Horizon' project: ‘It was the decision I needed to make'

Neilson Barnard | Getty Images Entertainment | Getty Images

Kevin Costner isn't letting the fact that he mortgaged one of his California properties stop him from enjoying the premiere of the first installment of "Horizon: An American Saga" — the passion project he used the funds to self-finance.

At the 76th annual Cannes Film Festival, Costner spoke to the Associated Press about the decision and why he doesn't regret it.

In a 2023 Deadline interview, the 69-year-old actor revealed he took out a mortgage on a 10-acre plot of undeveloped coastline he purchased in 2006 for $28.5 million. The plan was to build his last family home on the land.

"It wasn't an easy decision, but it was the decision I needed to make," Costner told AP.

When asked if he thought investing his own money in the films was worth it, Costner said seeing his project come to life was more important than the fear of risking his own money.

"You can spend your life just trying to make your pile grow bigger and bigger. And I've not been really terribly great at that. I'm like anyone else, I'd like it to be big. But not at the expense of not doing what I feel like I've love to do," Costner said.

"If no one will help me do it and I believe strongly in its entertainment value — there's commerce on my mind. But I don't let it overshadow the entertainment value and essence of what I'm trying to portray. I don't try to let the fear of that control my instincts on any level. I don't want to live that way," he added.

As of right now, Warner Bros. plans to release the first film in the "Horizon" series in theaters on June 28, with "Chapter Two" following on August 16. Costner hopes the third and fourth films will be made since he already has scripts written for each.

Costner has been working on variations of "Horizon" on and off since 1988 but couldn't find "anybody to make it" with him and agree to finance the $100-million plus production.

"At the end of the day, I'm a storyteller, and I went ahead and put my own money into it," he told Deadline about why he decided to take out a mortgage. "I'm not a very good businessman, so scratch your head, if you will. I don't know why, but I have not let go of this one."

The New York Post reports that Costner personally raised about $50 million for the film's budget. The actor also told Deadline that to get the first two "Horizon" movies made, he deferred his writing, producing, and acting fees.

"I believe in the movies, the power of them, the longevity. By putting my own money in it, I will chase this movie with my partners the rest of our lives," Costner added.

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