Many times when you go out for dinner, you have a mental budget in mind. But have you ever been shocked when the bill arrived and it was significantly more than you anticipated?
Sometimes your date's 44 oz steak was the culprit, but more often than not, those drinks you ordered caused your bill to add up.
That's why BYOBs are so attractive. You bring your own wine or beer, and pay a small or non-existent corkage fee.
Consider yourself lucky Chicago, because the city is filled with hundreds of BYOB eateries, whereas many other cities aren't even familiar with the concept.
As for BYOB etiquette, it's best to check with a restaurant first to see if it's kosher to bring a bottle. Even if a place doesn't have a liquor license, they still might frown on you for bringing in your own suds.
Thirsty yet? Then check out this comprehensive list of BYOB restaurants on Metromix.