Kristen Wiig opened her "SNL" monologue so excited to get her jacket for her fifth time hosting the long-running sketch show, only to find out that "they basically hand those out to everybody like free maxi pads."
Wiig, who was also a cast member for "Saturday Night Live" from 2005 to 2012, first walked on to the Studio 8H stage and greeted the familiar show band before another five-time host Paul Rudd stood up from the audience in his five-timers club jacket.
After congratulating Wiig, Rudd said, "You know what, I also heard a rumor that you might be doing one of those five-timers sketches featuring awesome celebrity cameos," Rudd said. "So, is there like a script or something I can look at for that?"
Wiig then was greeted by a former "SNL" writer, who broke the news to her that the show "basically hand those out to everybody like free maxi pads."
An allegation Wiig denied, only to then call on and confront actor Matt Damon for wearing a five-timers club jacket even though he has only hosted the show twice.
"Yeah, but Lorne said the first time I hosted, it was so good it counted for three. And the second time, not quite as good, but counted for two, so by my math, that's five baby," Damon joked.
Wiig said Damon having a jacket didn't seem "fair" because she hosted five times and "earned this."
"Doesn't this jacket have any meaning anymore?" Wiig then asked the show's iconic showrunner Lorne Michaels, who was off to the side of the stage surrounded by several celebrities, including Jon Hamm and Martin Short, in five-timers club jackets even though they had not actually hosted five times.
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The celebrities in the jackets justified them wearing it because "together they had hosted the show five times."
"Ahh, sweet, so we are doing a five-timers sketch," Rudd then said, jumping in.
Eventually, Ryan Gosling swoops in to save Wiig from her disappointment and give her her five-timers club jacket.
And, he did so while wearing a five-timers club jacket, even though he will host the show for only his third time on April 13.