A short list of what $750,000 can pay for (besides dry cleaning bills, Michael Jackson’s hat, footballs signed by presidents, and Rolex watches).
-- 468,750 breakfasts for the homeless, consisting of eggs, sausage, hash browns, French toast and coffee (according to the Feeding the Homeless Project).
-- A year’s rent for 83 two-bedroom apartments at the Jeffrey Apartments in South Shore.
-- Annual tuition for 28 students at the University of Chicago lab school.
-- 3,000 refurbished Dell Latitude laptop computers for Chicago Public Schools students.
-- 333,333 free rides on the CTA.
-- Four years’ tuition at Chicago State University for 45 students.
-- 15 years of child support for his half sister, Ashley
-- 44,000 white polo shirts and blue pants -- uniforms for Chicago Public Schools students.
-- A month’s Internet service for 50,000 homes in the 2nd District, which is often called a
“digital divide” because its residents don’t have access to the World Wide Web.
-- Seven 1,500 square-foot infill houses in blighted neighborhoods.