Kirk Touts Bigger Primary Win, Brady's Popularity Downstate

Republican Senate candidate touts lead in primary; likes how governor's race is turning out

Mark Kirk is feeling good.

The current member of Congress and the Republican nominee for the U.S. Senate sees a tight race ahead, but said he likes his chances over Democratic candidate Alexi Giannoulias.

"I won my primary by a wider margin than Giannoulias won his," Kirk said Friday after speaking to the Chicago Council on Global Affairs.

While the GOP has yet to select it's candidate for governor -- it's said there are only about 300 votes separating state senators Bill Brady and Kirk Dillard -- there are rumblings Dillard may bow out soon.

The State Board of Elections will certify the count on February 23rd.  Dillard could ask for a recount, but the costs to cover it, and the onus for proving fraud or tampering, would be on him.

Kirk said he's looking forward to running alongside Brady "if he's the nominee" because "Bill wants to spend less money."

Geographically, with Brady hailing from downstate Bloomington and Kirk representing the northern suburbs, the two could compliment each other.

"I should do well north of I-80, he will do well south of I-80, it will be a good team," Kirk said.

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