Blago On-Air, Off-Rocker

WLS part of defense team

Noted budget expert Rod Blagojevich took to the airwaves (again) on Sunday to advise state lawmakers on solving the state's fiscal crisis -- as adeptly as he handled the public till during his six years as governor.

He did not give advice on how not to get impeached.

Among his ideas: privatize the state lottery - which the U.S. Department of Justice have pretty much determined would be illegal.

But this isn't about what's good for the state, it's about what's good for Rod Blagojevich.

WLS-AM is once again giving Blagojevich a platform from which to spin his legal defense and build sympathy for his poor beleagured self.

"Our governor Pat Quinn never got a single vote to be governor," Blago railed. "Mike Madigan, the speaker of the House, never got a single vote statewide from the people to make the decisions he's making, and our new Senate President, John Cullerton, never received the votes of the people across Illinois."

All true.

But Quinn got the job because, um, Blago was impeached. And Quinn was next in line because, well, he was voted in as lieutenant governor.

And, of course, Madigan as a state representative and Cullerton as a state senator don't run in statewide elections.

They may have too much power as leaders in their chambers, but Blago's disingenuousness is showing again.

Blago seems to be following the advice given him by Sun-Times editorial page editor Tom McNamee:

1. Pander.

2. Bully

3. Demonize

4. Distort the truth

5. Make stuff up

6. Forsake all intellectual honesty

Six for six.

At least Blago's good at something.

Steve Rhodes is the proprietor of The Beachwood Reporter, a Chicago-centric news and culture review.

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