Man Wins Lottery By Playing Numbers From Fortune Cookie

Fuentes told the Illinois Lottery that he plans on taking his family on a vacation with his winnings

A man won a $200,000 lottery prize after playing the lucky numbers found inside a fortune cookie.

Retired U.S. Postal Service worker Martin Fuentes, 73, purchased a Lucky Day Lotto ticket at 7-Eleven, 1950 E. Touhy Ave., in Des Plaines, according to a statement from the Illinois Lottery.

Fuentes said his mother told him to play the “lucky numbers” found inside a fortune cookie he just ate. The move paid off.

Fuentes told the Illinois Lottery that he plans on taking his family on a vacation with his winnings.

The Nov. 19 winning ticket was also shared with another person, who purchased their ticket at a tobacco store in Oak Lawn.

Each retailer will receive $2,000, or 1 percent of the prize amount, for selling the winning ticket, the Illinois Lottery said.

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