
Why Some Areas in Illinois Are Using Beet Juice to Melt Snow

In turn, its use has led to a reduction of salt use by 40 percent annually

Crews in the city and the suburbs have been working around the clock to plow and salt the roads to get rid of the snow. NBC 5’s Ash-har Quraishi reports.

Some crews in Illinois are filling their tanks with an organic go-to liquid to melt snow, primarily on roads.

The super-mix substance? Beet juice.

Assistant Director of Public Works in Arlington Heights, Cris Papierniak, said it works because of its ability to melt snow at temperatures below 15 degrees.

“It allows us to put down salt water with some calcium chloride and beet juice,” Papierniak said. “The reason for that is because it’s sticky.”

The city of Elgin is known to have produced its own super-mix for more than a decade. In turn, its use has led to a reduction of salt use by 40 percent annually.

“Thirteen thousand five hundred tons of salt, which is our full capacity…27 million pounds of salt, so that forty percent savings is 9 million pounds of salt,” explained Aaron Neal, Elgin Public Works Operation superintendent.

As preparation for more snow continues, crews will remain busy as they try to keep their de-icing solution tanks at full capacity.

“We’re making sure our crews are rested…all the vehicles are up and maintained,” Neal said. “We’re ready to go.”

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