Wintery Storm Headed for Chicago

Get ready for a windy, rainy and even snowy start to your week

A mixed-bag forecast on Monday morphs into a windy, rainy and -- brace yourself -- snowy Tuesday.

Expect a mostly cloudy, damp start to the week with spotty light showers and drizzle Monday morning and afternoon. Winds likely will gradually increase to 15-25 mph overnight, and rain develops in the city and suburbs.

By Tuesday, you'll need to hold onto your hat with an umbrella in tow.

Powerful north and northeast winds take over, potentially reaching 45 mph at times, says NBCChicago meteorologist Andy Avalos. Rain may be heavy at points in Chicago, the south suburbs and northwest Indiana before mixing with and changing over to snow. Little to no accumulation is expected except in northwest Indiana.

The north and west suburbs should see little to no rain, but they can't escape colder air working in later in the day. Highs will reach 38 to 42.

Wednesday looks mostly sunny but chilly with highs hanging in the upper 30s. More of the same Thursday before light snow or flurries return to the radar Friday morning. Highs stay in the mid-30s.

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