It's Not Over ‘Til It's Over

Snow: it's happened in April and May before

Welcome to the see-saw we call spring in Chicago.

Having stepped out into the cold and rain this morning, it may be difficult to remember that Saturday was a lovely day in Chicago.

It'll be even harder to remember on Tuesday, when snow is possible. In fact, we may wake up to a layer of the white stuff in the morning, although it's more likely to be wet slush. 

It's not all that unusual for snow to fall in April and May. Chicagoans just try to forget that it happens.

It does, though, as it did on May 6, 1989. Half an inch of snow fell in Chicago that day.

On May 1-2, 1940, some parts of the Chicago area were hit with 5 inches.

The most recent May snowfall came on May 2, 2005, but only in trace amounts.  Chicago has even seen snow in June, but fret not.  It hasn't happened since June 2, 1910, when just a hint of snow reported.

We may see a hint or a trace, as well, but there's every indication that it'll all be a thing of the past in a couple of days when temperatures in the 70s will take hold -- at least for the first part of the weekend.

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