Looks like Mayor Rahm Emanuel has a beef with the Mayor of Los Angeles.
Emanuel placed a wager on the Chicago Blackhawks this weekend, offering Mayor Atoniono Villaraigosa some hometown favorites, including 25 Italian beef sandwiches from Al’s Italian Beef, if the Kings beat the Hawks in this best-of-seven series.
In a letter to Mayor Villaraigosa, Emanuel states:
“In every stage of these Playoffs our Blackhawks have advanced in the most humble fashion: Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injury by your Kings. Kings, whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, are unfit to be the champion of the NHL, and should be relegated to ‘Ye Olde Sin Bin.’
“I, therefore, the Representative of the People of Chicago, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions (in this case NHL commissioner Gary Bettman), do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of this fair City of Big Shoulders, solemnly publish and declare that we will offer the following bounty, payable only if your Kings find way to defeat our Blackhawks in the forthcoming best-of-seven series that will commence today.”
Emanuel offered the Los Angeles Mayor 25 Italian beef sandwiches, three cases of Goose Island’s 312 Lager beer, one case of Robinson’s Ribs Barbecue Sauce, 25 slices of Eli’s Cheesecake (the “hat trick” of cheesecakes, as he calls it), and one copy of “The Warmth of Other Suns: The Epic Story of America’s Great Migration to read in his “forthcoming retirement.”
“And for the support of this Declaration, we pledge our skates; our sticks; our Blackhawks,” he wrote.
In response, Mayor Villaraigosa wittingly wrote back Monday:
“On Saturday, I received a letter regarding the 2013 NHL Western Conference Championship between the Los Angeles Kings, the reigning NHL Champions, and whatever team it is that they will out-skate, out-hustle and out-score on the way to a repeat appearance in the Stanley Cup Finals.
“When I saw it was from you, I said to myself, ‘Geez, I hope he didn’t send me a dead fish.’”
He also took a few jabs at the Blackhawks, Chicago Cubs and Chicago.
“Speaking of hockey, I was recently surprised to learn that Chicago has a professional ice hockey team. Who knew? Has this team been in Chicago long? Do they practice out on Lake Michigan when it freezes over in those famously cold and windy winters of yours?”
If the Kings lose to the Blackhawks, Mayor Villaraigosa will offer Emanuel nine #19 Pastrami Sandwiches from Phillipe the Original, one case of Morehouse Mustard (the official mustard of the LA Dodgers), one case of beer each from LA’s own Golden Road and Eagle Rock Breweries, three Hollenbeck five-pound Burritos from El Tepeyac Café, 12 bottles of Sriracha Chili Sauce, and one copy of YogaWorks for Everybody to “maintain [Emanuel’s] newfound inner peace.”
The Mayor ended his letter by inviting Emanuel to LA, the reigning NHL Champions, for the Stanley Cup Finals.
With the way the Blackhawks have been dominating the Kings in the first two games of the series, we’d say Emanuel made a pretty safe bet.