Love "Parks & Recreation?" It's time to treat yo' self!
ScreenBid, an online auction company, is auctioning off hundreds of “screen used” items and props from the hit comedy.
The auction started Monday and continues until Friday.
Some of the following are available in the auction.
- A “Mouse Rat” T-shirt and album (everyone’s favorite Pawnee band!)
- A “Knope 2012” T-shirt
- The Final Word With Perd coffee mugs
- Snake Juice bottles
- Leslie's City of Pawnee Essential Employee Badge Set
- Entertainment 720 USB Port Hub
Prices range from $50 to $800, but bids can vary an end up on the cheaper side.
“Each item comes with a certificate of authenticity from the movie studio or TV network, so you know when you receive your favorite character’s typewriter, glasses or spacesuit, it’s the one you and millions of other people first saw on screen,” Screenbid’s website says.
Don’t throw your money in a pit, start bidding today!