Obama Stars in Emanuel Ad

Remember the big Presidential sendoff for Rahm Emanuel from the East Room of the White House.   

Well, imagine this -- it's now all part of a new Emanuel mayoral campaign ad.

The new radio ad -- released today that will have about as good as you can get endorsement from President Obama. While the president doesn't say "vote for Rahm" --there is audio from his White House goodbye ceremony when the president says

"I needed somebody at my side ..."  and  "...he has been an outstanding Chief of Staff. The radio spot ends with Emanuel saying "Thank you, Mr. President ... I give you my word that even as I leave the White House I will never leave that spirit of service behind.

Emanuel actually got choked up at this event ... not many of us have seen that before.  Not sure if you can hear the sniffles thru the air waves.

Meanwhile, Emanuel could already be reshaping the way folks think about Chicago internationally.

Perhaps now when people travel to foreign countries they will no longer ask about Al Capone and Michael Jordan.  

Rahm is news even in New Zealand.   Naturally the Chicago media and Washington DC press have been watching his campaign closely -- but a quick GOOGLE search shows the Supreme Court residency fight generated nearly 1,400 stories.    Keeps that 12 million dollar war chest  humming ...

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