Man Allegedly Kills Pit Bull For Ripping $4 Shirt

Suspect held on $80,000 bail

Police say a Chicago man admitted to killing a pit bull because it ripped his t-shirt Saturday.

Damien Wilkerson, 34, of the 700 block of North Pine, is charged with aggravated cruelty to animals and was being held on $80,000 bail.

Wilkerson is accused of beating the animal with sticks and rocks, stabbing it, then stuffing it into a trash bin.

Police say Wilkerson admitted becoming enraged after the the dog and a puppy ripped his $3.98 t-shirt. The puppy ran away, but witnesses say Wilkerson jumped over a fence and started beating the dog with a milk crate.

Wilkerson reportedly told police that one of the dogs went for this throat, so he "choked the dog out."

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