The iconic musical "Fiddler on the Roof" has been dazzling audiences for decades, and a new reimagined version of the show will take center stage at the Lyric Opera of Chicago later this year.
The show, which is set to debut in Chicago on Sept. 17, centers around the story of Tevye, who will be played in this production by Steven Skybell as he makes his debut with the company.
Skybell says the themes that won over audiences back when the original musical debuted on Broadway in 1964 still ring true today, resonating with performers and audience alike.
“Family comes before ideology,” he said. “So Tevye and his middle-aged characters are really rethinking their ideologies about how to get along in the world, to conform with what they want to give their daughters.”
While ardent theatre lovers may have seen other productions of "Fiddler," this performance will be significantly different, thanks in large part to the massive ensemble, with more than 100 dramatic and musical artists participating.
Director Barrie Kosky reimagined the look and feel of the musical.
"I think audiences will be dazzled by the sheer joy of the musical score, just heaven," he said. "Like music theater heaven, which you don’t get anywhere outside an opera house."
Music Director Kimberly agrees.
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“The score is glorious, with a full string section …all the brass. Three basses instead of one bass! And then we have a whole chorus," she said.
Glencoe native Lauren Marcus and Maya Jacobson will play two of Tevye’s daughters.
“We have all cried multiple times during rehearsal,” says Jacobson.
“And just when you think you’re past crying, you’re like 'I know how beautiful it can be,'" Marcus added.
Fiddler on the Roof, a timeless tale of love, community and tradition, opens at the Lyric Opera House on Sept. 17 and runs through Oct. 7.