Rahm Emanuel

Emanuel Administration to Push for Landmark Status for Boystown Legacy Walk

The Legacy Walk was completed in 1998

Mayor Rahm Emanuel is seeking Landmark Status for the iconic Legacy Walk in Boystown.

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel announced Sunday that the city will seek Landmark Status for the Legacy Walk in Boystown.

The Legacy Walk, the only outdoor LGBTQ museum in the world according to a press release from the city, features steel pylons and an outdoor streetscape that celebrates the historical contributions of the Chicago LGBTQ community.

“The Legacy Walk is not only a historically significant legacy of the LGBT community of Chicago, but a signal that the entire city is a safe and welcoming place for everyone,” Emanuel said in a statement.

Bronze plaques on the Legacy Walk honor historical figures in the LGBTQ Rights movement, including British mathematician Alan Turing and NASA astronaut Sally Ride.

According to the city, a proposal to give Landmark Status to the 20-year-old structure will be led by the Planning, Historic Preservation & Sustainability Bureau of the Department of Planning and Development. The process will take several months, and will include public review, and will ultimately end with a final recommendation to the City Council.

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